Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Recovery Week

After four weeks of Insanity, I just entered my recovery week. I hear that this is actually the time where you can see the most results, as your muscles build and repair themselves.
I have lost 8 pounds since starting the program a month ago. I have also lost 1.9% body fat. I still have about 20 pounds to lose, which is a lot for my 5'5 frame, but I am very happy with the results I have had so far. I feel I am shaping up very quickly for such a short amount of time and my clothes feel great. I am starting to feel less smothered in my clothes. I am fitting into a lot of pieces that I couldn't fit for some time now. That keeps me going.
I have not been tempted to eat out at all, since I have felt so satisfied on this diet plan. I force myself to go shopping for clothes or things for the house, rather than wasting my money on fast food. My girls and I actually went clothes shopping and it was totally guilt free. I was spending the money before anyway. Atleast now I have something to show for it. My husband and I were spending tons of money before on dinner dates, whereas now we go on shopping dates and buy stuff we have put off purchasing instead. That helps fuel the feeling of progression and helps us keep our focus.
I am looking forward to starting back full force next Monday. The pace of the recovery workouts has been a welcome change, however. The Insanity workouts are intense, but fun, I think. This is the first time I have EVER stuck to a diet AND exercise PROGRAM for this long. I am proud of myself. I know it is the combination of the two that makes all the difference.
So many people on their private youtube videos had complained that they didnt get the results they wanted from Insanity, admitting that they weren't able to follow the diet plan. YOU MUST DO BOTH TO GET THE RESULTS. I personally think the diet plan is completely practical and easy to modify to your own tastes. 40/40/20 is the key.
This has been a wonderful journey so far.